The Effect of Virtual Classes on the Students English Achievement in Tabuk Community College

Mohammed Mfarij F. Alhawiti


This paper examines the effectiveness of virtual classes on student English proficiency at Tabuk Community College for the first semester of academic year 2016–2017. The author believes that the state and unified system of education gave equal chances of learning English in most educational establishments in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The population included 224 learners from the preparatory year program. The sample for the study consisted of two groups: the first represented the control group, and it consisted of 24 male students. The second group represented the experimental group, which consisted of 26 students from Tabuk Community College. The latter group comprised the experimental group, which studied via virtual classes, while the rest comprised the control group and studied via the traditional method. The independent variable—in other words, the treatment—consisted of the proposed virtual classes used to teach the students of the experimental group at Tabuk Community College. The dependent variable was student English proficiency.

                The study concluded that the students in the experimental group advanced significantly higher on the English achievement test, and the results of the two groups on the post-test were statistically significant for every component of English language.


MOOC, Virtual Classes, TCC, PYP, Computer Applications

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