Revising the Imaginative Capability and Creative Capability Scales: Testing the Relationship between Imagination and Creativity among Agriculture Students

Yuling Hsu, Li-Pei Peng, Jiun-Hao Wang, Chaoyun Liang


We conducted threestudies to revise theimaginative capability scale and creativecapabilityscale, and to examine the relationship between imaginationand creativity among college students majoring in agriculture. First, Study 1 wasconducted to determine the mostappropriate scale structure by performing an exploratory factor analysis of a sample comprising 390students. A three-factor solutionwas used to identify the dimensions of imaginative capability (initiating,conceiving, and transforming imagination),and a two-factor solution was used to identify the dimensions of creative capability (originality and usefulness). Next, Study2 was conducted to confirm the structures established in Study 1 by performing a confirmatory factor analysis of a sample comprising 520 college students. In addition, we tested the degree of measurement invariance of the scales across genders. Finally, Study 3 was conducted to further examine the relationship between imagination and creativityamong430 college studentsmajoring in agriculture. The results showthat originality is influenced primarily by conceiving and initiatingimagination. In addition, transforming imagination has a slightly negative influence onoriginality. Finally, usefulness is influenced primarily by conceivingimagination, and it was slightly influenced by initiating imagination.


agriculture students; creative capability; imaginative capability; measurement invariance; scale development

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