Effectiveness of the Flipped Classroom Strategy in Learning Outcomes (Bibliometric Study)

Thuraya Sulaiman AL-Shabibi, Mohammed Abdul-Karim Al-Ayasra


The aim of this study is to explore the effectiveness according to the flipped classroom strategy in learning outcomes. To achieve this, the descriptive method of "bibliometric analysis" was used. It analyzed (233) scientific studies and evaluated them in a critical manner in light of the study questions, within the range of eight years (2012-2019) in order to identify the variables that these studies sought to investigate on the strategy, its impact on those variables, and the justification behind its positive impact. The study results reveal that the flipped classroom can provide students with a more interactive environment that will lead to higher learning achievement and better preparation for 21st century learning and work environments. Many of the studies targeted by the present study have analyzed the advantages and privileges of this strategy and the importance of its application in different stages of education because of its obvious results in improving the range of learning outcomes. In view of its findings, the study recommended an expansion of teachers' use of the flipped classroom strategy because of its positive impact in learning outcomes. It also suggested conducting studies on the reasons behind the lack of a clear positive impact of the strategy in some studies.



strategy, flipped classroom, survey, bibliometric study.

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