Effects of Digital Citizenship on EFL Students’ Success in Writing

Asmaa Alazemi, Imad sa’di, Dina Al-Jamal


This study aimed at infusing digital citizenship elements in language classes and check if the exposure to such elements in international English content, in an interactive online mode, affect tenth grade writing performance. To achieve the aim of the study, an instructional digital citizenship program entailing Ribble, Bailey, and Ross’s (2004) elements was designed  in light of the witing activities in Over to You textbook. A quasi-experimental research design was followed by the means of a pre-post writing test administered on 40 students selected from a basic school in Kuwait as two intact sections (N. 20 students each) and then assigned randomly into an experimental group and a control. The study reported a statistically significant impact on participants’ writing performance.



Digital citizenship, instructional program, Yarmouk university, EFL writing

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