Leadership Styles and Competence among Generation Z Emirati Nursing Students

Nabeel Al Amiri, Fares Daradkeh, Amira Al Kaabi


Presently, Leadership is identified as one of the most critical factors that drive the UAE economic development, growth and innovation. On the other hand, nursing is a profession that has a vital role in maintaining country health well-being and its economy. In this study, the authors used a descriptive, quantitative methodology to study leadership practices and styles of Generation Z (born between 1995 and 1999) Emirati nursing students and explored the impact of those practices and styles on their competence, and performance and their potential to take over the leading position shortly. It was found that the students practice transformational, democratic, and servant leadership more frequently than the laissez-faire, transactional and the autocratic leadership and those styles were highly correlated to student's competence.



Leadership; Leadership styles; Nursing Students; Generation Z; UAE

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