Reflective Journal Writing and Classroom Performance: Improvement and Correlation among Pre-Service Mathematics and Science Teachers

Areej Isam Barham, Elham Ghazi Mohammad, Ruba Miqdadi


This study investigated improvements in reflective journal writing and classroom performance among pre-service mathematics and science teachers as well as the correlation between reflective journal writing and classroom performance. The study was conducted during a clinical experience where pre-service mathematics and science teachers were placed in 10-week field-based learning experiences during their final semester of the Bachelor of Education degree in Primary Education. Study participants included 30 pre-service mathematics and science primary school teachers, and the study was conducted during the two academic semesters of spring 2017 and fall 2017. A quantitative research approach was followed, and descriptive statistics were determined using Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS). Data were gathered using two research instruments: the Clinical Experience Evaluation (CEE) survey and a weekly reflective journal. The results of the study revealed that within the 10-week study period, participants improved, with statistically significant differences (p Ë‚ 0.05), in most dimensions of reflective writing (reflectivity, thoroughness, variety, growth), with the exception of the professionalism dimension. Participants also improved, with statistically significant differences (p Ë‚ 0.05), in all domains related to classroom performance, except for the assessment domain. Furthermore, throughout the clinical experience, participants showed improvement in the reflective journal dimensions. Finally, we observed that the variety dimension of reflective journal writing contributed statistically to the development of classroom performance.


Reflective journal; Classroom performance; Pre-service teachers

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