Rasch Model Application on Character Development Instrument for Elementary School Students

Lutfi Nur, Luthfi Ainun Nurani, Dodi Suryana, Aslina Ahmad


This research was motivated by the current conditions that require the younger generation to have good character values or ethics. Even nowadays humans begin to indicate that some professions will be lost and replaced by machines. However, the value of good character and ethics will not be able to be replaced by the machine. The purpose of this research is to ascertain how far elementary school students have good character values or ethics so that we can spot a trend whether character values are degenerating, getting better or simply staying the same. The research respondents were the fifth graders of SDN 1 Cikalang and the sixth graders of SDN Karsanagara. 105 participants took part in this study. A survey was carried out to measure the value of a student's character. The results showed the development of their character lied mostly in the medium category. Scores for reading interest, creativity, curiosity, perseverance (diligence, heart strength, persistence), and devotion (religious) lied mostly in the low category.



Rasch model; character; ethics; elementary school students

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