The Physical Space and the Development of Creativity in Peruvian Early Childhood Education: A Case Study in Arequipa

Karol Andrea Puma-Yagua, Teresa Ramos-Quispe, Sonia Esther Castro-Cuba-Sayco, Alicia García-Holgado, Antonio Silva Sprock, Klinge Orlando Villalba-Condori


Creativity is a significant flaw that is observed in the Peruvian educational system, and that has its origins in initial education. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of the use of physical space in the development of creativity among pupils of 5-years-old classes of the initial level in Arequipa. In particular, the study was carried out in eight public schools of the Local Educational Management Units of South Arequipa and Caylloma, with 151 students. Two instruments were used, one to evaluate the physical space and an adaptation of the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking. It was found that there is a relationship between the use of physical space and the development of creativity in children of the 5-years-old at the public educational institutions of the Caylloma and South Arequipa.


Physical space; Creativity; Pre-school

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