Conditioning Factors in the Integration of Technology in the Teaching of Portuguese Non-Native Language: A Post-COVID 19 Reflection for the Current Training of Teachers

Joana Carvalho, Inmaculada Sánchez Casado, Sixto Cubo Delgado


This presentation is the result of a mixed research and part of a PHD investigation, aimed to understand whether in the process of integrating technology in teaching Portuguese as a Non-Native Language (PNNL), external conditions such as age, time and teacher experience justify the low use of digital resources in language teaching, even though we live in the digital era currently modulated by the COVID-19 pandemic. It was also sought to understand whether training (initial and continuous) endows the teacher with skills to integrate technology in teaching. Data were obtained from 101 PNNL teachers with experience in Portugal and abroad. The results showed that training has no influence on the use of digital resources in education; age and experience influence low utilization due to lack of confidence and teacher’s attitudes; and, regarding time, it was noticed that these digital resources could be facilitating elements in time management. It was concluded that we should focus heavily on CALL training for PNNL teaching, in particular due to the standardization that occurred in  distance learning, caused by COVID-19, in order to provide teachers with digital literacy, thus enhancing greater time management, greater confidence and a more adjusted attitude to socio-constructivism.


teaching second language; resources in language teaching; digital resources; digital literacy; post COVID-19

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