Cultivating Problem-Solving Scholar-Practitioners: Impact of One CPED Program on Leader Self-Efficacy

Nancy Akhavan, Nichole Walsh, Janeen Goree


This single case study is a qualitative inquiry into the cultivation of doctoral candidates and graduates on their efficacy as leaders in using inquiry as to approach problems of practice in daily work. The study examined a doctoral program in educational leadership at one large public university in California, USA. The case study methods included artifact analysis, an examination of field notes, and semi-structured one-on-one phone interviews. The data analysis of all sources revealed three themes related to participants’ leader self-efficacy in using scholarly inquiry on problems of practice in the field. Findings indicate that the participants grew in their leader self-efficacy, transformed, and confident in their sense of self as an educational scholar-practitioner to enact change. As a result of their experience in a Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate (CPED) program, graduate participants also highlight the focus on inquiry processes to solve problems of practice as vital to educational leadership. Conclusions highlight considerations for similar programs when evaluating how they prepare graduates to impact education beyond coursework. Further research should emphasize how programs are addressing problems of practice for social justice to impact educational leaders in the field upon program completion.


education doctorate; leader self-efficacy; scholar-practitioner; problems of practice; educational leadership

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