English Proficiency Gain and Mediating Factors in Training: A Self-Evaluation of Vietnamese Pre-Service EFL Teachers
Following international language proficiency standards, Vietnam has recently set the advanced English proficiency (C1- CEFR) for teacher graduates from an English teacher education program. Considering regional differences, this standard setting has raised a concern about its feasibility. This paper aims to report the language proficiency development of English teacher trainees at a Vietnamese university as an illustration and examine training factors that may influence this proficiency outcome. To this end, a self-report questionnaire was designed to collect the data on the trainees’ self-assessment of EP and their responses to the training factors. A group interview was then conducted to obtain qualitative evidence that backed up the questionnaire results. The participants were 41 fourth-year EFL teacher students, seven of whom agreed to participate in the group interview. The results showed that approximately 62.4% of the candidates self-assessed their level equivalent to the C1-advanced proficiency, while a significant percentage still desired additional language proficiency support. Their responses to the training factors revealed that they were overall satisfied with the effectiveness of English proficiency training. Noticeably, their proficiency scores positively correlated with their use of self-regulated learning strategies, which in turn correlated with the types of teaching and assessment activities during the training years. Their starting proficiency level also had a significant correlation to their proficiency gain at the end. These findings offer useful implications for preparing foreign language teachers in the context towards the general proficiency standards, and for understanding expectations versus realities regarding this issue.
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