Flipped Classroom Method with Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) in EFL Writing Class

M. Ali Ghufron, Fitri Nurdianingsih


This study revealed the strengths, weaknesses, and effectiveness of the flipped classroom with CALL in EFL writing class. A mixed-method approach was used to achieve the goals of the study. An embedded quasi-experimental methodology design was used to achieve the aims of this study (i.e., quantitative and qualitative data analysis). There were a hundred and fifty Indonesian EFL university learners who participated in this study. This study also involved 14 EFL writing teachers who experienced implementing the flipped classroom with CALL from five universities. The results of this study revealed that a flipped classroom with CALL in EFL writing class has many advantages, such as stimulating learner autonomy, improving teaching and learning processes, providing more time for EFL writing and input during face-to-face meetings, promoting active learning, student learning responsibility, and peer collaboration. Besides, some drawbacks were also found from its implementation. However, implementing the flipped classroom in the current study positively affects the EFL writing course. This study implies that teachers can include online resources such as videos from reputable sources or make their videos as learning materials if possible.



: CALL; EFL writing; Flipped classroom; Mixed-method approach

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