Factors Affecting Smart School Leadership Competencies of High School Principals in Vietnam

Duong Thi Hoang Yen, Le Ngoc Hung, Thi Thuy Hang Vu, Tan Nguyen


Leaders of high schools in the context of the fourth industrial revolution face many challenges and new opportunities. Schools need to become smarter, more flexible, and more secure, and, therefore, the principal’s leadership competencies are likely to have new elements and be affected by new influencing factors. The aim of this study was to identify the factors that influence the competencies of school leadership in today’s increasingly smarter school landscape. Research was conducted using qualitative and quantitative research methods. The research sample consisted of 295 high school principals from five provinces and cities in Vietnam. The results showed that smart school leadership competencies depend on individual factors, school-level factors, and educational community-level factors. Smart school development policy and innovation of smart school infrastructure and facilities were identified as the most important factors.



high school; leadership; leadership capacity; smart school

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