Teachers’ Feedback Practice and Students’ Academic Achievement: A Systematic Literature Review

Anne Malar Selvaraj, Hazita Azman, Wahiza Wahi


Previous literature on teachers’ feedback practices has revealed that feedback has a strong effect on students’ academic performance. Nevertheless, feedback is a challenge for teachers to use in teaching and the learning environment due to time constraints and teachers’ inability to provide students with feedback they need for self-improvement. Furthermore, teachers are often unsure whether the feedback given will meet students’ academic needs as students have to work on improving themselves after receiving feedback from their respective teachers. Hence, it is necessary to determine how teachers’ feedback correlates with students’ performance in school. Feedback highlights students’ strengths guides them on how to develop and regulate their learning strategies. Feedback also provides better learning opportunities, while simultaneously guiding them to improve their current weaknesses. This paper presents a comprehensive review of past studies about feedback and its impacts on students’ learning in the classroom.  This paper is using systematic literature review (SLR) to explore the connection between students’ academic performance and teachers’ feedback. The analysis discovered that although teachers’ feedback played a significant role in helping students improve themselves academically and in motivating them to become independent, feedback, particularly in written form, could negatively influence or impede learning.



Teachers’ feedback; students’ achievement; closing the gap

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