Cultural Language Learning Approach (CLLA): An Approach for Learners’ Integrated Language Use Acculturation

Hermayawati .


The current development of English Language Teaching (ELT) is gradually shifting towards learning language skills in an integrated manner that do not use separated skills. It makes teachers look for the right approach to teach the desegregated four language skills. Accordingly, this project investigated the Students of Candidate English Teachers (SCET) learning process using the Cultural Language Learning Approach (CLLA) for acculturating their Integrated Language Learning (ILL) in use. It was an applied study involving 100 SCET consisting of 60 females and 40 males aged between 20-22 years. They were intervened purposely in the learning process, to be well-acculturated to guard their native cultures. Quasi-semester meetings were carried out online. A closed-questionnaire and in-depth observation were the data gathering tools employed in this study. The results were analyzed descriptively using learners’ engagement factors inspired by Lee, Song and Hong’s model and Sheppard’s scoring rubrics. The results revealed that 68.31 % of learners were engaged during their ILL process. Besides, in-depth observation achieved the same average score, namely 77 in each quasi-semester. Such scores were respectively categorized both in their learning engagement and achievement. Thus, CLLA can be used as an alternative approach to familiarize SCET with integrated language use in acculturating their ILL process. This study recommended further research on learners' ILL acculturation through different native cultures acculturation.


approach; candidate English teachers; Integrated Language Learning; scoring rubrics; in-depth observation

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