Challenges of Virtual Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experiences of Mexican University Professors and Students

Claudia Patricia Contreras, David Picazo, Aixchel Cordero-Hidalgo, Paola Margarita Chaparro-Medina


Students’ and university professors’ challenges due to the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic have been enormous. Without prior notice, they had to switch from traditional education to virtual teaching. This study’s objective was to identify the perception of students and professors of the Bachelor in the English Language from the University of Chihuahua, Mexico, during the transition to virtual classes due to the pandemic. Researchers applied a survey of 28 items with a Likert scale to 152 students during the spring semester 2020 and the second instrument of 51 items to 26 professors. The students reported having complications in connectivity (21%) and difficulties interacting with professors and classmates (34%). Many students reported experiencing anxiety (69.1%) and feeling isolated (62.5%). Most agree that they learn better in face-to-face classes (85%). In turn, the professors agree that the students had a lower performance than in a face-to-face semester (69.3%). Despite this, the professors affirm that they followed the program to the letter (92.3%) and completed the programmed contents (84.6%). Besides, 92.3% of the academics are confident to face a new semester in virtual modality, if necessary. Although we can say that the transition from face-to-face to virtual classes in the institution was successful, students and professors encountered difficulties and disadvantages in the use of platforms for online classes. The benefit of this research´s findings is understanding the University must have all the necessary elements in place for online teaching. It must establish a formal regulation of virtual programs that includes professor´s and student´s profile, as well as the strategies to be followed. The students’ and professors’ perceptions highlight the crucial elements that professors need to consider to teach virtual classes and take advantage of these lessons to face the future better.


COVID-19; Virtual Learning Environment; university; education

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