Video Annotation for Effective Feedback and Reflection on Micro-Lessons in a Collaborative Blended Learning Environment to Promote Self-Directed Learning Skills

Christo Van der Westhuizen


This article discusses the process and findings of a study in which Video Annotation (Video ANT) ans a Learning Management System (LMS) were implemented together in the micro-teaching lessons of fourth-year Geography student teachers at a university in South Africa. he aim was to ensure adequate feedback and reflection for each student, since this is, in general, a shortcoming of micro-lesson facilitation. VideoANT is an online environment synchronising web-based video with timeline-based text annotations, and it was imported and managed in the university's LMS known as eFundi. The web videos of the students' micro-lessons were made accessible by the lecturer according to a rotational time schedule managed in eFundi. This enabled students to assess fellow students' micro-lessons in a collaborative blended learning environment, as well as to adequately reflect on their own lessons. Both qualitative and quantitative data was collected and the results indicate that Geography student teachers held positive views of these technology applications for micro-teaching in particular and their teaching careers in general. This video method also proved to contribute to the students' self-directed learning (SDL) skills.


Micro-teaching, Micro-lessons, Video annotation, Technologies in education, ICT in Geography education, Web 2.0 technologies, Web-based technologies.

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