Effectiveness of the WebQuest Strategy-Based Educational Platform and Learning Environment in Acquiring Biological Concepts and Systemic Thinking in the Biology Course among Pre-Service Teachers

Tahani Alebous


This study aims at uncovering the effectiveness of the WebQuest strategy-based learning environment in the teaching of biological concepts and imparting of systemic thinking. The participants of the study, 64 pre-service teachers (students) for the 2020–2021 academic year, were divided randomly into experimental and control groups. WhatsApp groups were used to communicate with the students. To achieve the study’s objectives, a teacher’s manual for biological concepts was prepared following the WebQuest Model; the WebQuests were created using the Zunal computer programmes. Both biological concepts and systemic thinking assessments were prepared and the study tools were tested for accuracy and reliability. To answer the research questions, data were analysed using ANCOVA and MANCOVA. There were significant differences between the average performances of the two study groups on the scale of the acquisition of biological concepts in favour of the experimental group. Additionally, there were significant differences between the average performances of the groups on a scale of systemic thinking in favour of the experimental group. The results encouraged the educational supervisors to hold training courses and workshops for science teachers, training them in the use of the WebQuest strategy in science teaching and urging its implementation in teaching – through individual instruction and publications. The Ministry of Education must play a role in designing and writing the science curricula and provide a guide for the teachers explaining the ways to employ the WebQuest strategy in the process of teaching science.



educational platform; WebQuest; biological concepts; systemic thinking; biology

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