Effectiveness of Virtual Laboratories in Teaching and Learning Biology: A Review of Literature

Celine Byukusenge, Florien Nsanganwimana, Albert Paulo Tarmo


Scholars have debated whether virtual laboratories are educationally effective tools and if they should be continuously developed. In this paper, we comprehensively review literature about the effectiveness of virtual labs in teaching and learning biology to identify the topics often taught and the linked learning outcomes. We used Google Scholar, ERIC, and Web of Science electronic databases to access journal articles and conference proceeding papers. Through a systematic analysis, we obtained 26 articles solely related to virtual lab use in biology education. The overall findings from the reviewed literature indicated that virtual laboratories are often used on topics that seem abstract. These include cell and molecular biology topics, followed by microbiology, genetics, and other practical topics such as dissection and biotechnology. This review study revealed that virtual labs are effective as they improve students’ conceptual understanding, laboratory or practical skills, and motivation and attitudes towards biology. We recommend the use of virtual labs in teaching as a means of actively involving students in safer and more cost-effective scientific inquiry.



Biology topics; computer simulations; learning outcomes; virtual laboratories/labs

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