Multiple Representation Approach in Elementary School Science Learning: A Systematic Literature Review

Rois Saifuddin Zuhri, Insih Wilujeng, Haryanto Haryanto


The paper investigates the multiple representation approach as used in elementary school science learning. A systematic literature review (SLR) method and preferred reporting items for systematic review and meta-analysis (PRISMA) protocol were employed in this research. This included systematic review stages, eligibility and exclusion criteria, review process procedures, and data abstraction and analysis assisted by Publish or Perish 7, VOSviewer, and NVivo 12 Plus applications. The search for publications on Scopus through the Publish or Perish 7 application yielded 605 publications, and for the ERIC database, there were 2018 publications, making 2623 publications. The publications were then filtered according to compatible themes and 50 were selected to be used as material for the SLR. The 50 publications were analyzed according to the assigned topics through the NVivo 12 Plus application, and the results are described in this paper. According to literature, multiple representations is a learning approach that involves using more than one or two representations. This is done by utilizing text, video, tables, audio, animation, diagrams, analogies, cartoons, movements, formulas, and graphs to reflect, interpret, and solve scientific problems in elementary science learning. The multiple representation approach is implemented through task assignment, visualization technology; representation of images, symbols, tables, pictures, and graphs; scientific investigations; engineering design; technological skills; applications; recordings; and written symbols. The impact that the multiple representation approach has in elementary science learning is an increase in reasoning skills, critical thinking skills, communication skills, solving of science problems, concern for nature conservation, and social and visual intelligence. This paper contributes to research examining multiple representations in elementary school science learning.


elementary school; multiple representation approach; science learning

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