A Mediation Model of the Effect of Visionary Leadership on Teachers’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior

Widodo Widodo, Irvandi Gustari, Rahayu Permana


Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is necessary in overcoming emergency conditions, including learning difficulties such as experienced during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Therefore, this research explored the visionary leadership effects of teachers’ OCB through quality of work-life (QWL) and organizational commitment, and developed a new empirical model of the mediation mechanism. A quantitative approach with a survey method was used in this research, where Likert-scale questionnaires were distributed to 387 social sciences teachers in Indonesia. Using structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis, it was found that visionary leadership, QWL, and organizational commitment have a significant effect on OCB; visionary leadership significantly influences QWL and organizational commitment; and visionary leadership has a significant effect on OCB through QWL and organizational commitment. This evidence promotes a new model regarding the effect of visionary leadership on teachers’ OCB mediated by QWL and organizational commitment. It not only confirms several previous studies as the basis for developing this research hypothesis, but is also an antithesis to previous research with contradictory conclusions. With such conditions, the new model provides theoretical and practical contributions which require in-depth and critical discussion before it is adopted or adapted as a model in improving teacher OCB via visionary leadership supported by QWL and organizational commitment.



mediation model; organizational citizenship behavior; quality of work-life; teachers; visionary leadership

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