Patterns of Character Education for Vocational School Students through Non-Academic Programs: Paradigm and Implementation

Amilda ., Dian Andesta Bujuri, Muhammad Uyun, Dindin Nasrudin, Junaidah .


Some Indonesian students, including vocational school students, often perform negative behavior.  This study aims to reveal the good practice of character education patterns through non-academic activities in a vocational school in Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia. This study uses an explanatory case study method that explains a phenomenon in depth and detail. The study data are obtained through interviews, observation, and documentation. There are 11 informants involved in this study. They are the vice head of the school for student affairs, the supervisor of extracurricular activities, the head of school administration, the coordinator of the counseling guidance unit, Islamic spiritual advisors, teachers, and five students. The research procedure includes data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The result of this study indicates that to shape student character, schools should not only conduct this through learning activities but also design well-planned non-academic activities. The pattern of non-academic character education is implemented through two activities. The first is habituation activities including a routine smiling day program, operasi semut (ant operations), reading Al-Qur'an, flag-raising ceremony, and short-term Islamic boarding schools. The second is doing extracurricular activities including scouting, choir, dance and drama, scientific creativity club, etc. These non-academic activities have a positive impact on the formation of students' positive character. Students are accustomed to practicing religious values such as honest, tolerant, disciplined, hard-working, creative, independent, democratic, curios, homeland-loving, communicative, peace-loving, environmentally caring, socially caring, and responsible in daily activities. Further research is required to test the effectiveness of this non-academic approach to character education in other schools.


character education; non-academic programs; paradigm and implementation; patterns; vocational schools

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