Evaluation of Psychosomatic Symptoms Associated with Stress in Teachers after Returning to Face-to-Face Classes
The objective of the present investigation was to evaluate the psychosomatic symptoms associated with stress in Primary and Secondary Education teachers after returning to face-to-face classes. For that purpose, a quantitative approach was used; the design was non-experimental, and the type of research was cross-sectional descriptive. The sample consisted of 301 teachers who responded to the Psychosomatic Problems Questionnaire, an instrument with adequate levels of content validity and reliability. Data analysis was performed at both descriptive and inferential levels. The descriptive analysis was accomplished using the distribution of percentages. Inference analysis was developed using the Student's t-test, which made it possible to determine whether there were statistically significant differences in terms of the presence of psychosomatic symptoms associated with stress according to the sociodemographic variables. The results revealed that 45.2% of the teachers displayed psychosomatic symptoms associated with stress at a moderate level; 33.9% were at a low level; and 20.9% were at a high level. The most frequently reported symptoms were extreme tiredness, headaches, and a feeling of not wanting to get up in the morning. At the same time, it was determined that there were statistically significant differences regarding the presence of psychosomatic symptoms associated with stress related to the gender and employment status of the teachers. It was concluded that the teachers rated the psychosomatic symptoms associated with stress at a moderate level. The present investigation represents a contribution to the psychological health and emotional well-being of teachers, since it allows for the determination of psychosomatic symptoms associated with stress. Therefore, it is important that the relevant educational authorities provide services and strategies for the care, prevention, protection, approach and recovery of the mental health of teachers.
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