Developing Skill of Using Feedback in Learning-outcome Assessment for Future Teachers

Khuu Thuan Vu, Nguyen Thi Viet Nga


Feedback is an integral part of students’ learning-outcome (LO) assessment. To ensure that students understand what they did well and what needs improvement, teachers must give them clear and detailed feedback on their accomplishments and shortcomings. Therefore, in teacher training, it is essential to help Future Teachers (FTs) have the skill of providing and using feedback (feedback skills) in LO assessment (besides skills in teaching, building assessment tools, organizing learning activities, scientific research, ...). This study aims to identify the factors that affect feedback skills in LO assessment of FTs, thereby providing measures to develop this skill in FTs. This study uses a quantitative research method and a questionnaire design as a data collection tool. Simultaneously, the study uses the impact method to assess the FTs’ changes in the performance of skills before, during, and after the training process. The results show that the main factors affecting the development of FTs’ feedback skills are: classroom experience; feedback culture; pedagogical training; mentorship; confidence. While there are four types of feedback: Feedback about the task; the processing of the task; self-regulation; self as a person. When testing the impact on developing FTs’ feedback skills, the results also show the effectiveness of the feedback skills training process based on experiential learning. The process consists of 4 stages: Concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, active experimentation. This study has theoretical and practical implications for educators of pedagogical universities in training feedback skills in LO assessment for teachers and FTs.


feedback; future teachers; learning outcome; assessment; experiential learning

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