Relationship between the Principal's Leadership Style and Teacher Motivation

Egoza Wasserman, Sigal Ben-eli, Ortal Yehoshua, Ravit Gal


The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the principal's leadership style and the motivation of the teachers in their work, to examine the relationship between the principal's style of leadership, decentralized or centralized and the teacher's motivation in their work. The research was conducted using the Quantitative Method and included questionnaires for the teachers relating to leadership style and motivation. The questionnaire was given to 137 teachers who teach in elementary and secondary schools. The research was conducted in 2014. The research findings indicate a number of significant correlations: a significant correlation was found between the principal's styles of leadership and the teacher's perception of the teaching profession as positive. A significant correlation was found between the teacher's willingness to actively devote himself and the teacher's initiatives related to teaching. In addition, a significant positive correlation was found between the teacher's perceptions of the profession as being positive and between the teacher's initiatives relating to teaching.


Principal's leadership Style, Teacher Motivation, School principals

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