Developing Elementary School Teacher’s Professional Competence in Composing Traditional Songs: An Action Research in Indonesia

J. Julia, Tedi Supriyadi, Enjang Yusup Ali, Egi Agustian, Afi Fadlilah


The prevalence of international music engineering is undermining the significance of traditional songs in character building for elementary school students in Indonesia. Consequently, it is necessary to restore the role and function of traditional songs in elementary school learning. One approach to achieving this is by creating new songs that resonate with today's context. However, not all elementary school teachers have the competence to compose songs, hence the need for training in this aspect of teacher professional competence so that they can develop and use music learning materials. The objective of this study is to enhance the creativity and innovation of elementary school teachers in composing traditional songs. Action research as the research design involved quantitative and qualitative approaches. The participants consisted of 15 elementary school teachers who were honorary teachers and civil servants. Quantitative data were collected through surveys, and qualitative data were collected through interviews and observations. The findings indicate that teachers can develop their ability to compose traditional songs and can use technology in the process. Therefore, it can be concluded that elementary school teachers can develop and innovate themselves in creating traditional songs and teaching materials that are tailored to their needs with structured and controlled training. This research needs to be followed up by evaluating teachers in conveying their songs to students and suggesting that teachers be given regular training by the government to increase competence in the field of music, because only a small number participated.


composing songs; teacher’s creativity; traditional song; action research; elementary school teacher

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