Faculty Members’ Awareness of Artificial Intelligence and Its Relationship to Technology Acceptance and Digital Competencies at King Faisal University

Sherif Adel Gaber, Hussein Ahmed Shahat, Ibrahim Abdullah Alkhateeb, Sumaia Attia Al Hasan, Mohammed Ahmed Alqatam, Sultan Mubarak Almughyirah, Mohammed keshar Kamel


Artificial intelligence (AI) is a field of science seeking to develop computer systems with a level of efficiency similar to that of an expert human. By employing the most advanced technologies, such efficiency can contribute significantly to improving the educational process. Therefore, this study aimed to identify the level of AI awareness among faculty members at King Faisal University and examine the relationship between AI awareness and technology acceptance (TA) and digital competencies (DCs). The study used the descriptive-correlational research method, and three analyses were conducted, focusing mainly on AI, TA, and DCs. The sample consisted of 101 faculty members from all departments in the College of Education, representing 43.5% of the college’s faculty. They were selected using the simple random sampling method. After analyzing the quantitative data, findings revealed that the faculty members had a medium level of awareness, with a mean score of 3.05 on a 5-point scale. The findings also revealed that there was no statistically significant relationship between AI awareness and TA among faculty members, with a correlation value of 0.139 and a significance value of 0.165. In contrast, the study found a direct and statistically significant positive relationship between AI awareness and DCs among faculty members, with a correlation value of 0.568 and a significance of < 0.001. Therefore, it is essential to prepare faculty members to use AI in education and improve their attitudes towards AI by conducting workshops and providing them with the necessary skills to employ AI applications in education.



artificial intelligence; technology acceptance; digital competencies; faculty members; King Faisal University

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