Innovative Strategies for Integrating Technology into Agricultural Programmes at Technical and Vocational Colleges

Ramongwane Daniel Sephokgole, Moses Makgato, Sammy Khoza


The transformation of agricultural programmes warrants that Technical and Vocational Education, and Training (TVET) lecturers use innovative strategies to integrate technology into their teaching. Currently, most training programmes have shifted from the traditional methods of teaching to integrate technology; hence, the strategies for training using these technologies are required. In this study, 20 lecturers from three TVET college campuses were interviewed and their teachings were observed. The ultimate purpose of this qualitative study was to propose innovative strategies for integrating technologies into the agricultural programmes. The research participants who were regarded as being knowledgeable and experienced in agricultural programmes were selected using the purposive and convenient sampling method. Data was thematically analysed and presented using categories such as the exploration of technology integration; the experimentation with technology integration; the adoption of technology integration; and the advanced technology integration that was adopted from the Kotrlik-Redmann (2003) framework. The findings suggest that the innovative strategies, including but not limited to being proactive, improvising, being developmental, and seeking assistance strategies can be used to integrate technologies. The study reveals that the lecturers use various innovative strategies for integrating technologies into the agricultural programmes. We recommend that the TVET colleges offering agricultural programmes, the Department of Higher Education and Training, and the other key stakeholders implement innovative strategies to help in the complete integration of technology. We also suggest the need to provide TVET lecturers with continuous training in the use of innovative technology.


Transformation; innovative strategies; agricultural programmes; TVET colleges

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