Relationship between Pedagogical Leadership and Teachers' Job Performance as Mediated by Organizational Commitment

Kelemu Zelalem Berhanu


To facilitate an in-depth understanding of how leadership styles affect teachers’ job performance, it is essential to understand mediating variables and their impacts on the performance of teachers. This research investigated the association between commitment, pedagogical leadership and teacher performance. It used a correlational research design involving the 539 teachers from Gozamin and Dembecha districts, Ethiopia. First, fitness of the models was confirmed via confirmatory factor analysis. There were a modest to high, significant and positive relationships between pedagogical leadership, teachers’ performance, and their commitment. Pedagogical leadership positively predicted the commitment of teachers, which enhanced job performance. The study found that pedagogical leadership was a protective factor that had an indirect influence on indices of teacher job performance via commitment. This paper adds significantly to the theory and literature on teacher performance by associating it with leadership style and commitment in the Ethiopian situation. In a practical sense, the study results are anticipated to be important for school principals and policymakers to monitor teachers’ job performance, thus, maximizing their contribution as experiential educators at schools, to ensure quality education for all (SDG 4).


job performance; pedagogical leadership; mediation; organizational commitment

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