Enriching Professional Development in Disadvantaged Schools through the Targeting Talent Programme (TPP) Educators Enrichment Programme: Insights from Math and Science Educators

Nonhle Tracey Sibisi, Nomakhosi Nomathemba Sibisi


This study explores the lived experiences of educators from disadvantaged schools involved in professional development in the Targeting Talent Programme (TPP) at the University of the Witwatersrand. It elicits the perceptions of mathematics and science educators on professional development programmes. A qualitative research approach was employed, and data was collected through focus group discussions with 24 participants comprising Math and Science educators. The study’s findings indicated that acquiring the requisite knowledge and skills from participating in the programme improved the understanding of pedagogical content, skills and teaching methodologies. The major barrier besetting the realisation of educators’ professional development identified included the public-school system in South Africa characterised by resource constraints which limit educators’ innovative strategies in integrating technology into teaching and learning. The study revealed that reflection is required regarding the rules and policies regulating learners’ and educators’ use of technological gadgets. From the findings, it is recommended that designing and implementing educator professional development must be embodied within South African school policies.



professional development; targeting talent programme; educators enrichment programme; science and math educators; disadvantaged schools

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