Streaming Media for English Language Learners’ Vocabulary Development: A Systematic Review of Features and Challenges

Al Ryanne Gatcho


Focusing on the educational potential of streaming media in English language learners' (ELLs) vocabulary development, this systematic review bridges a notable gap in understanding the nuances of digital learning tools. Utilizing the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) framework, this review meticulously sifted through academic databases, selecting 22 peer-reviewed journal articles that met stringent eligibility criteria. Keywords that were used to identify the studies were “Streaming Media/Utilization/Implementation/Adoption” or “Vocabulary Learning/Development/Acquisition/Enhancement” and “English Language Learning” or “ESL/EFL Contexts/Environments/Settings.” It yielded six key themes contributing to vocabulary enhancement in ELLs: Authentic Learning Content, Adaptability, Engaging Material, Consolidation, Subtitle, and Multimodality. Concurrently, it revealed five prominent challenges: Limited Content, Access Issues, Passive Learning Risks, Reduced Focus, and Inadequate Pedagogical Support. Employing thematic analysis, the review offers a structured synthesis of these findings. This comprehensive approach not only highlights the beneficial aspects of streaming media in language education but also underscores the critical challenges that educators, educational technologists, and curriculum designers must navigate. The insights gained are poised to guide effective incorporation of streaming media in ELL vocabulary instruction, signifying a step forward in harnessing digital platforms for educational enhancement.


Educational technology; English language learners; language pedagogy; streaming media; vocabulary development

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