Exploration of Conceptions of Assessment within High-Stakes U.S. Culture

Melanie DiLoreto, Christie Pellow, David Stout


Past quantitative research about students’ and faculty members’ conceptions of assessment indicates that faculty believe that one of the primary purposes of assessment is for improvement of both teaching and learning.  Students, however, associate a primary reason for assessment in higher education for accountability of both students and the institution.  The present study aimed to determine if beliefs were congruent between student and faculty responses to open-ended survey items.  Using a phenomenological approach to investigate students’ and faculty members’ conceptions of assessment, the researchers found discrepant results when qualitative data were compared to the results of past quantitative studies (Brown, 2004; DiLoreto, 2013; Fletcher, Meyer, Anderson, Johnston, & Rees, 2011).  Additional results of this inquiry and implications of these findings for educational settings are discussed.   


assessment, teaching, learning, higher education, conception

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