Transformative Insights: Global Perspectives on Feedback Quality for Elevating undergraduate students’ Engagement and Motivation

Anass Moussa, Jonathan Fisher, Hassan Eddahmani


This study explores the dynamics of feedback quality from the perspectives of professors and its profound impact on the motivation and engagement of undergraduate students. Drawing upon insights from a diverse group of professors representing 12 different countries, this study employs a meticulously designed qualitative methodology, facilitating a thorough exploration of the connections between feedback processes and student outcomes through an interpretive lens. Notably, our findings emphasize the transformative potential of constructive feedback when supported by contemporary pedagogical approaches. The study reveals the challenges educators face in delivering comprehensive feedback while also highlighting themes such as a commitment to continuous professional development, a preference for face-to-face interactions over technological advancements, and the transformative impact of the feedback process on personal growth. Additionally, the participants’ recommendations align with broader pedagogical principles, emphasizing relationship building, perceiving feedback as an opportunity for improvement, fostering accessibility, continuous professional development, and creating psychological safety within the classroom. These recommendations provide practical insights for educators, guiding them to enhance their practices and cultivate supportive learning environments.


Feedback quality; motivation and engagement; undergraduate students; Constructive feedback; pedagogical principles

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