A Quadruple Helix Intervention for Accounting Education in Ghana

Justice Stephen Tetteh Zotorvie, Annelien Adriana van Rooyen, Christina Cornelia Shuttleworth


The current study explored the information and communication technology and higher-order thinking skills necessary for accounting students in Ghana upon completion of their accounting programme. These skills will improve their job prospects. The study adopted a qualitative approach involving in-depth semi-structured face-to-face interviews with government officials, accounting academics, employers and accounting graduates. The quadruple helix (QH) model of innovation was applied to examine the required information and communication technology and higher-order thinking skills and roles of the key QH stakeholders in promoting the development of these skills. Purposive and snowball sampling methods were utilised to select the participants for this study. The data were then analysed using thematic review procedures with the assistance of ATLAS.ti™ 9. The study revealed a growing need for accounting graduates to demonstrate creativity, analytical skills, an entrepreneurial spirit, and strong interpersonal skills for swift adaptation and success in the competitive professional landscape. Enhancing the employability of accounting graduates demands collaboration among government, academics, employers, and graduates, particularly by developing the curriculum and enhancing practical work-readiness. 



accounting graduates; employability; higher-order thinking; information and communication technology; quadruple helix model.

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