Exploring the Impact of AI in Language Education: Vietnamese EFL Teachers’ Views on Using ChatGPT for Fairy Tale Retelling Tasks

Hong Hieu Hua, Thanh Thao Le


This study investigated the perceptions of Vietnamese tertiary-level English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers regarding the use of ChatGPT, an advanced artificial intelligence (AI) language model, in students’ fairy tale retelling writing tasks. Employing a qualitative methodology, the research involved semi-structured interviews with nine EFL teachers from two Vietnamese institutions representing a range of teaching experiences: novice, mid-career, and near-end-career. The technology acceptance model (TAM) and constructivist learning theory (CLT) framed the study, providing a dual perspective on technology integration in language education. The thematic analysis revealed a spectrum of challenges and opportunities in integrating ChatGPT into language teaching. Key challenges include concerns about over-reliance on AI, cultural and contextual misalignments, integration with existing teaching methods, language accuracy issues, impact on creativity, technical barriers, and ethical considerations. Conversely, opportunities identified encompass enhanced student engagement, personalized learning, professional development for teachers, improvement in language proficiency, reduction in teacher workload, encouragement of technological adoption, and fostering of critical thinking and creativity. The study suggests a need for balanced AI integration in language education, emphasizing personalized, interactive learning experiences and professional development for teachers.



Ai, ChatGPT, fairy tale retelling tasks, language education, Vietnamese EFL teachers

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