An Investigation of Pre-Service Teachers’ Previous Mathematics Learning Experience from Elementary School to College and How It Relates to Attitudes and Beliefs about Mathematics Learning and Teaching

Xiongyi Liu, Roland Pourdavood


The purpose of the present study is to investigate pre-service teachers’ previous mathematics learning experience from elementary school to college and how it relates to their attitudes and beliefs about mathematics learning and teaching. Data were collected over two semesters from a total of 67 pre-service teachers in a mathematics methods course at a mid-Western university. The results indicate that different mathematics learning tools or strategies were emphasized at different grade levels. While a few strategies that support meaningful learning showed consistent growth in their use at higher grade levels, memorization remained a heavily used strategy at all grade levels. Certain research-proven strategies (manipulatives, illustrations, measurement) were used less often at higher grade levels. Regarding the relationship between previous learning experience and current mathematics-related attitudes and beliefs, we found very limited support. Findings were discussed and educational implications were provided.


Pre-service teachers; mathematics experience; attitudes

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