El Sistema as an Opportunity for Collaboration between School and Home – Parents’ Perspectives on an El Sistema-Inspired Activity

Anna Ehrlin, Hans-Olof Gustavsson


The aim of the study is to gain an insight into how the parents perceived their own and their children’s participation in an El Sistema-inspired programme, and how the parents’ participation and commitment should be understood in relation to their importance for their children’s schooling. The study is a case study and is based on semi-structured, qualitative research interviews with three parents. The results show the parents do not promote the idea that El Sistema is a programme that creates opportunities for their children to develop their musicality or paves the way for a career as a musician. Instead, the parents are happy that their children have discovered an interest that engages the children and support their personal development.  The programme also provide an opportunity for both children and parents to build a social network. In the light of our theoretical point of departure in communities of practice, the result shows that it is possible to understand the El Sistema-inspired programme as helping to reinforce the parents’ involvement in school practice. The findings of the study suggest that El Sistema-inspired programmes do not simply promote the interest and commitment of parents in relation to their children’s schooling but go further, in that they also promote the children’s development and the well-being of the parents themselves. The results show that the El Sistema-inspired programme helps to bring children, parents and school together.



music, parents, El Sistema, home-learning environment

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