Editorial - International Perspectives on Worldviews in Education – Introduction to the Special Issue

Laura Hirsto, Elina Kuusisto, Martin Ubani


The theme of this Special Issue is “International perspectives on worldviews in educationâ€. In literature, “worldviews†are often considered to be sets of beliefs and assumptions that describe reality (Koltko-Rivera, 2004). Worldviews are a topic that has been researched from various perspectives and through various theoretical constructs in the past. For instance, worldviews have been in the interest of theology and humanistic studies, but various researchers have also called for a better understanding of the worldview functions in the field of educational psychology (e.g. Rauste-von Wright, 1986; Hirsto, 2001a, 2001b; Koltko-Rivera, 2004;). In line with this, the special issue combines several perspectives from diverse contexts to the exploration of worldviews. In this introduction, these perspectives are combined by examining the meaning-making and learning processes in relation to different conceptualisations in the case studies concerning worldview.


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