Curriculum Development of Environmental Education Based on Local Wisdom at Elementary School

Afakhrul Masub Bakhtiar



This research aims to develop environmental education curriculum based on local wisdom. The steps taken in this study are the simplification steps (of ten steps) (Borg & Gall, 2003) into three steps, namely; 1) preliminary study, 2) planning design development, and 3) try out and revision. The research results of Environment Education curriculum development based on local wisdom showed satisfactory results. Based on input from experts and assessments, the developed curriculum developed can be distributed to elementary schools in the area UPTD (the District Education Office) Kedamean, Gresik Indonesia. There are five curriculum contents that are raised as the main characteristics of local wisdom. The five points include: 1) the local farming systems; 2) the provision of green open land; 3) water treatment systems; 4) the processed food products which are based locally; 5) the livelihoods of local patterned communities.


Keywords: Curriculum, Environmental Education, Local Wisdom.


Curriculum, Environmental Education, Local Wisdom.

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