Legal Aspects in the Collaborative Production of Open Digital Resources

Everton Knihs, Nizam Omar, Ismar Frango Silveira


The production of intellectual content using computer systems is a topic of general interest that has no precise or agreed definitions on issues of open resources, open licensing, open educational resources, open books, and collaborative authorship. When the creation of collaborative works is investigated, the discussion evolves to questions about the concept of authorship itself and the absence of a clear regulatory framework to serve as a support for computer architecture. The study of open licenses and intellectual property intends to enable the creation, edition, reuse, modification, and dissemination of open collaborative works. Collaborative authorial production in computational resources refers to a comprehensive study of the concepts of authorship, original work and its versioning, free licenses, free software, and “opennessâ€. This paper presents the legal dimension and its related aspects established in the legal concept of authorship and licenses as a guide for the creation, publication, and sharing of open digital resources.


Open digital resources; concept of authorship; openness; property and moral rights

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