Exploring Foreign Teachers’ Perceptions of Communication with Students in Online Learning in China: A Case Study

Jing Guo, Adelina Asmawi


Under the influence of theCovid-19 pandemic, and with the widespread use of online learning, the way in which teachers communicate with students via the internet has attracted great attention. Online communication bears unique challenges, such as the absence of nonverbal cues and lack of social interaction, both of which are necessary to enrich and assist learning in an online setting. This paper aims to explore foreign teachers’ perceptions of online communications for learning and to examine the communication challenges in that environment. Set in China, this study adopts a qualitative design using semi-structured online interviews as data collection instrument. Seven foreign teachers (non-Chinese) (three females and four males) participated in this research. The thematic analysis method was adopted for data analysis. Resultsshowed that four themes were generated, which were effectiveness, emotional feelings, means of communication, and communication skills. In addition, three themes were discussed in terms of communication challenges in online learning, such as technical obstacles, cultural issues, as well as communication problems. Teachers are encouraged to be prepared to deal with these problems. This research brings new and practical thoughts to learners and instructors in order to optimize the effect of online learning and makes recommendations for future projects.



foreign teacher (non-Chinese); communication; online learning; challenges and prospects

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