Theory of Planned Behavior: Sensitivity and Specificity in Predicting Graduation and Drop-Out among College and University Students

Catherine Fichten, Rhonda Amsel, Mary Jorgensen, Mai N. Nguyen, Jillian Budd, Alice Havel, Laura King, Shirley Jorgensen, Jennison Asuncion


We examined sensitivity and specificity when using the three theory of planned behavior (TPB) scales (Perceived Behavioral Control, Subjective Norms, Attitude) to predict graduation and drop-out in a longitudinal study of 252 college and university students with disabilities and in a separate cross-sectional study of a random sample of 1380 junior/community college students. The results (a) show the utility of the TPB in predicting graduation, (b) underscore that when predicting outcome, graduation and drop-out are not polar opposites, and (c) highlight the need to consider sensitivity and specificity separately. We discuss the implications of using different scale cutoffs depending on the goal of testing as well as uses of the TPB scales in research and practice.



theory of planned behavior, sensitivity, specificity, graduation, college, university, prediction, longitudinal cross-sectional

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