Cultivating Entrepreneurial Skills in Organic Farming with Design Thinking and Community-Based Education

Nattapon Meekaew, Thanapauge Chamaratana


Traditional agricultural training programs often fall short in cultivating the comprehensive entrepreneurial skill set necessary for navigating the challenges of modern organic farming. Moreover, the potential synergies between community-based learning approaches and design thinking principles in agricultural education are yet to be fully explored. This study investigates the impact of a training approach integrating community-based learning and design thinking to enhance entrepreneurship competencies among organic farmers in Khon Kaen province, Thailand. Using a quasi-experimental design involving sixty participants, the study employs pre- and post-training assessments to evaluate changes in entrepreneurship competencies, including innovation, risk management, business planning, and financial literacy. Preliminary findings indicate significant improvements in all competency areas post-training, highlighting the potential of combining the two approaches in agricultural education. This research contributes to the broader goals of sustainable agriculture and rural development in Thailand, offering insights for educators, policymakers, and practitioners aiming to empower the organic farming community.


community-based learning; design thinking; entrepreneurship competencies; organic farming; community-based education

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