Metacognitive Functioning in Students with Learning Disabilities or Difficulties: A Systematic Literature Review

Noureddine Bouargane, Abdellah Barebzi, Mohammed Raji, Mohammed Zeriouh, Jamal El Azmy, Amine Khadraoui


Dealing with the particularities of learners with learning disabilities or difficulties requires an understanding of the metacognitive functioning of these subjects. The aim of this work is to summarise the studies dealing with metacognitive functioning in students with learning disabilities or difficulties. For this reason, this research applied the systematic literature review method with the PRISMA (preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analysis) protocol. The research stages included identification, selection, eligibility and inclusion, so that studies must be indexed by Scopus between 2018 and 2023 and focus on metacognition in learners with learning disabilities or difficulties, the selection was carried out in two phases; an assessment of titles and abstracts, followed by a full analysis of the texts. The results reveal significant metacognitive disparities between students with learning disabilities and their typically developing peers. They use more surface strategies and fewer self-regulatory strategies, attach less importance to mastery, and avoid performance for fear of failure. They also have difficulty organising information, which affects their motivation. Interventions including cognitive and metacognitive strategies, techniques such as virtual reality and specific teaching improve learners’ ability to detect errors, self-regulate and develop essential skills in mathematics, reading and other areas. Future research should further explore these interventions to better understand their impact, taking into account aspects such as motivation and using rigorous methodological tools.


metacognition; disability; difficulty; learning; systematic literature review

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