Challenges of Edu 4.0 in Inclusive Education: A Qualitative Analysis with Quantified Qualitative Data

Muhammed Yusuf, Mohammed Y. M. Mai, Sanni Alhaji Garba, Temitope Folashade Aroyewun, Asma Perveen, Bamiro Nurudeen Babatunde


In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on inclusive education that provides high-quality learning opportunities to all students, including those with special needs. This mechanism promotes learning diversity and equal opportunities for all children. This research aimed to explore the challenges of implementing Edu 4.0 in inclusive education settings using a qualitative research method. The study selected 29 teachers from inclusive education settings in five locations in Malaysia through purposive sampling. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants and qualitative data themes were identified and analyzed. The qualitative data were also quantified. Various aspects of this study led the researchers to underscore the importance of teacher training and curriculum enhancement through educational innovations and establishing robust support systems to improve the implementation of Edu 4.0 in inclusive classrooms. Recognising and remedying the interrelated issues faced by special needs students in inclusive classrooms, which encompass their academic, social, and emotional well-being, and creating strategies for intervention in inclusive education are essential for establishing true Edu 4.0 that benefits all students in inclusive education environments.


challenges; Education 4.0; inclusive education; qualitative method; quantifying qualitative

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