Optimizing Online Teaching: An Explanatory Sequential Study on the Training Needs of Pre-Service English Teachers
The shift to online education brought about by global events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and internationalization has highlighted the need for effective teaching strategies and support systems for educators, specifically those new to the field or those in training. This study determined the training needs of the pre-service English teachers in terms of instructional communication, teaching strategies, and classroom management in an online context. An explanatory sequential design was used to collect and analyze data. The design consisted of two phases, first the collection and analysis of quantitative data, second, the collection and analysis of qualitative data. The quantitative data was utilized to construct the interview questions. The qualitative result provided the researcher with deeper insight into the training needs of the pre-service teachers. The tools were administered to 101 pre-service English teachers, who were selected using random sampling. The findings revealed that the most needed skill among pre-service teachers for effective online teaching is instructional communication, followed by teaching strategy and classroom management. While they adapt to online tools and enhance teaching strategies, communication proficiency requires ongoing training. This study proves that effective instructional communication as the backbone of effective teaching, beyond language proficiency, is crucial for successful teaching and learning. Based on the results, the Acquire, Practice, Perform, and Assess training and mentoring model was designed to assist teacher training institutions and professors or mentors in delivering training tailored to the specific needs of pre-service teachers.
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