Digital Technology Tools (DTT) in Science Teaching: Teachers’ Perceptions of Usage and Effectiveness

Jayson O. Abareta, Maricar S. Prudente


Digital technology can significantly transform student learning to refine teaching strategies and address diverse student needs. However, not all teachers are prepared for this. Despite this, the sudden changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have compelled schools to adopt digital technology tools (DTT) to continue the teaching-learning process. This rapid shift called for greater support and training for educators to adapt effectively. Using a mixed-methods design, this paper explored the usage and effectiveness of DTT in science teaching in public junior high schools in Caloocan City, Philippines. Through purposive sampling, 41 science teachers from three schools participated by answering a questionnaire. It revealed that Messenger, PowerPoint, and Google Meet were the most used DTT during online teaching, while Messenger, PowerPoint, and Canva were the most effective. Messenger facilitates communication, PowerPoint enhances lesson delivery through visual presentations, Google Meet enables virtual interactions, and Canva allows teachers to create engaging and visually appealing materials. Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) did not reveal significant relationships between demographics and DTT usage of science teachers; it suggested other areas to explore, such as years of teaching, which might influence their preferences for specific DTT like Messenger or Zoom.  In the face-to-face classes, teachers continued DTT usage – most teachers used PowerPoint, Messenger, and Canva, which were also the most effective DTT for them. Challenges like poor Internet connectivity were encountered, yet most teachers continued using DTT. This shows the critical role of teachers’ adaptability in embracing innovations to enrich the learning experience, benefiting both educators and students.


digital technology tools; educational technologies; teaching science; online teaching; face-to-face teaching

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