Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities: An Exploration of Physical Sciences Student Teachers’ Experiences and Identity Formation During a Five-Week Teaching Practice
This study explored the challenges and opportunities encountered by physical sciences student teachers during a five-week teaching practice, focusing on how these experiences shaped their professional identity formation. The research used identity formation and Situated Learning Theory as theoretical frameworks to investigate the complex interactions between classroom challenges, mentor support, and self-reflection in developing student teachers’ sense of professional self. The study employed an interpretivist qualitative case study design. The study purposefully sampled 15 student teachers from a cohort of 25 student teachers. Data were collected through reflective journals and semi-structured interviews. Findings highlighted key challenges such as managing large class sizes and difficulty differentiating instruction for students with diverse abilities. Despite these obstacles, student teachers reflected on their professionalism, with many reporting increased confidence and autonomy by the end of the practice period. The study, therefore, recommends strengthening mentorship programmes and providing more resources to support student teachers on their journey of becoming professional science teachers.
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