Empowering Women Through Education: Strategies for Leadership Development in Malaysia Towards Achieving Sustainable Development Goals

Sharmila Devi Ramachandaran, Tan Zu Yi, Lim Ming Joon, Sukhmeet Kaur, Fang Wen Jie, Urvesh Chaudery


This study aims to identify effective educational strategies to empower women for leadership roles in Malaysia’s corporate sector and evaluate their impact on advancing gender equality (SDG 5) and quality education (SDG 4). Employing a qualitative phenomenological approach, the research utilizes purposive and snowball sampling to conduct in-depth interviews with senior female executives in Malaysia, exploring their experiences and perceptions of educational strategies for leadership empowerment. The findings reveal six effective strategies: comprehensive leadership development programmes, mentorship from female leaders and coaching by business experts, gender diversity and inclusivity initiatives, networking and collaborative learning programmes, professional skill development workshops, and return-to-work programmes. However, due to geographical and work-related constraints, the study is limited by a small sample size of five participants. Despite these limitations, the study offers valuable insights for empowering women and learning in organizations. The identified strategies provide practical direction for designing targeted learning programmes that address the unique challenges faced by women in the corporate sector, enhancing their leadership potential and contributing to the achievement of SDG 5 and SDG 4. The originality of this research in educational strategies lies in equipping women with the skills, knowledge, and confidence necessary for leadership roles in Malaysia that contribute to academic literature and practical frameworks for promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment.



Women Empowerment; Educational Strategies; Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); Gender Equality; Learning Organization

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