Factors Influencing Mathematics Teachers’ Blended Learning: A Systematic Review
Blended learning has emerged as an important practice in mathematics education in today’s educational landscape. With technology reshaping teaching practices, it is critical to gain a better understanding of the factors influencing mathematics teachers in blended learning to increase teaching efficiency and student outcomes. This systematic literature review aimed at identifying and integrating factors influencing mathematics teachers’ blended learning practices in current educational contexts. This review focuses on studies published between 2023 and 2024, which include the latest insights and advancements in blended learning. Using the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses framework, this review analyzed 34 recent studies sourced from Scopus and Web of Science. The articles were selected based on inclusion criteria prioritizing empirical research on mathematics teachers’ blended learning practices, while studies lacking empirical data or relevance to mathematics education were excluded. The findings were categorized into the three themes of teacher preparedness and perceptions; technological pedagogical content knowledge and instructional design; and student engagement, learning environment, and outcomes. The results importantly highlight the critical role of professional development, innovative instructional strategies to improve teaching practice, and student engagement. Persistent challenges, such as resource inequities and teacher training gaps, remain barriers to effective implementation. By focusing on recent studies, this review reflects the latest direction in blended learning. These findings provide information relevant to educators and policymakers to enhance mathematics education through blended learning.
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